
I Book I of the Haiku Epic

Nati ad necandum
O sumus orbem epice
Terrarum Evander

Meter: Metrical Haiku

Translation: O Epic Evan we were born to kill the society (earthly globe).

II Book II of the Haiku Epic

Sibi videri
Neminem Evander ait
Adesse tristi

Meter: Metrical Haiku

Translation: Evan says to his sad self that it seems that nobody helps.

III The Black Piano

O visum es modo clavichordium atrum
Immotum atque silens, nimis profecto
Poetarum animarum et arborum intus
Olivis magis usque personabit

Meter: Hendecasyllables

Translation: O black piano, just now you seemed utterly still and silent, indeed so much of the souls of the poets and of the olive trees will always resound to a greater degree within you.