I Noctes Siculae
Fessus se recipit Phoebus fervore reducto
et tenues auras Vesper amoenus alit.
Extremis radiis crescunt fulgentibus umbrae,
per primas tenebras sidera clara micant.
Sedibus in Siculis dapibus iam mensa paratur,
ex villis variis conveniunt homines.
Herbarum egregiis impletur odoribus aula,
dulcia funduntur vina daturque oleum.
Inter colloquia ac Musarum musica dona
securosque iocos effluit otium hebens.
Meter: Elegiac Couplets
Translation: Sicilian Nights. Tired Phoebus retreats, the heat diminished, and the kindly Evening fosters soft winds. While the last rays sparkle, the shadows grow, through the first darkness the stars are twinkling. In the Sicilian farmhouse the table is now arranged with dishes, from various houses people come together. The court is filled with marvelous scents of spices, sweet wines are poured and olive oil is offered. Amid conversation, the Muses’ musical gifts and carefree jokes the languorous leisure elapses.