I Feasting
Iam dementia desidet libenter
Dum venter patitur, vacans dolensque.
Expectans alimonium, labellum
Inhorrescit, enim periculosa
Omnis convenit et cibi cupido.
Meter: Hendecasyllables
Translation: Now madness sits down gladly while stomachs suffer, empty and aching. Expecting nourishment, the lip begins to tremble, for a dangerous desire for food comes over us.
II Ars Saltationis
Cognosco pedibus saltare et nocte priore
Consumpto vino, deducit nunc vehementer
Musa figuram almam. Mox dulce per alsum
Luminis una hortum lunae florisque salimus.
Quamquam me studium movet, optant acriter artus
Sponte sua quoquo iactari. Turbida fit nunc.
Musa figuram abicit. Subito nunc aura silescit,
stellarum nunc lux nigras pallescet in umbras.
Meter: Dactylic Hexameter
Translation: I learn to dance with my feet and on the prior night, with wine consumed, the Muse, now more vehemently, guides my indulgent body. Soon, through the cool garden of moonlight and flowers, we dance together sweetly. Although desire moves me, my limbs wish to be thrown about more swiftly by their own accord. Now the Muse becomes disordered and abandons my body. The air suddenly grows silent and the light of the stars will fade into black shadows.
III Devolvens in amorem
sicut volucris
pervolat aetheria
conscendimus sic
Metrical Haiku
Translation: Just like a bird soars through the ether, thus we ascend