“Haec ampulla, Isabella, venit unde?”
Dixi, et ut cum oculis mihi anxiatis
spexisti (atque, loquar modo, hoc die tum,
tam fessi fuimus quod ante nocte
non dormivimus omne: vita nostra),
dixisti, “Ex, modo, mantica tua non
movisti id?” Grave dehinc silensque monstrum
descendit subito super cubiclum.
Tempus repsit et omne iam pependit.
Formidanda quies ubique inivit
Post momenta aliquot novissima orsa
emisi, atque, “Ita,” dixi inane mente.
Meter: Hendecasyllables
Translation:”Isabella, where did this water bottle come from?” I said. And, as you looked at me with anxious eyes (and also, let me just say, on that daywe were very tired because the night before, we did not sleep at all: thus our life), you said, “Didn’t you just pull it out of your backpack?” And then, a heavy, silent monster suddenly descended upon the room. Time crawled, and all things now hung still. A terrifying calm, from all about, entered. Then, after a few moments, I spat out my final utterance, and I said, empty-headed, “Huh..”
Defloruit nunc
molliter anxietas
cum sisque apud me.
Metrical Haiku
Translation: And now, anxiety has quietly faded away since you are near me.