

SCOPA! (Elegiac Couplets)

Voces perturbat tranquillos: hi “Scopa!” clamant.
   “Ludite nobis! Ne cursitet hora,” vocant.
Tunc iaciunt reges, nummos, sicas, quoque lances.
   In pugna ficta — “Vaha!” — trabemque dabit.
Plenaque clava ingens convertit maxime risu.
   Valde pulsant hos. Proxima vina bibo.

Voices disturb the quiet (moments): These (boys) shout, “Scopa!”
   “Play with us! Lest the hour run out,” they call.
Then next they throw down kings, coins, daggers, and also plates.
   In the fake fight — “Ah no!” — He will give up the club:
The huge flat club turns over with the loudest laugh.
   They slap these things down with force. Nearby, I drink wine.



Tam delicati
Tres iuvenes Veneris
In monte saltant.

So very delicate,
Three young men dance
On the mountain of Venus.



Horrida non duros detorquet dextera versus.
(My) rough hand will not twist the strict lines.



Signata amphora vina potestne profundere numquam
   Ancto aut subere de gutture ferre solet?
Tam cupio gutum iugulareque carmine plenum
   Exhaurire gulam. Irrita signa manent.

Is a sealed amphora never able to pour out wine?
   Is it accustomed to bring forth from a throat choked by a cork?
I so long to cut the throat of this long necked jar filled with song
   and to empty (its) throat. The useless seals remain.



CALOR (Dactylic Hexameter)
Extra sub umbra muri canis albus ab arcu
anhelat, malae passae. Boreas pilium undat.

Outside, under the shade of the wall near the arch a white dog
pants, jaws opened wide. The north wind waves (his) hair.