

Summer under a tree (dactylic hexameter)

arbor cum sonitu fremit hic tettigoniarum.
sol excrescit dum celerant ita carmina rauca.
sussurans subito pomosus ventulus urget.
ridentem Cererem iam grylli more salire.

The tree hums with the sound of cicadas.
The sun increases while their raucous songs speed up.
Whispering suddenly a fruity breeze urges.
a laughing Ceres to dance in the manner of a cricket.

Exploding Melons

agricola hoc factum Serum disseminat, hercle!
misit displosus semina multa pepo.

A Chinese farmer spreads the news of the thing, by Hercules!
A melon exploded and spread many seeds.

Trout (hendecasyllabic)

uncus trux tibi displicebit ore,
spadix tructula. deinde eum eximemus.
et tum te penitus bonam coquemus.

The savage hook in your mouth will be displeasing,
little brown trout. Then we will remove it.
And then we will completely cook you.

The Dr. Seuss translation:
Little brown trout
The hook in your mouth
does make you pout
before I cook you
I’ll take it out.

On Sir Joshua Reynolds’ portrait (1763)
of Mrs. Barnard (dactylic hexameter)

cur oblita diu labuntur, femina, scripta?
suntne molesta quidem vel atrocia vel mala clare?

Why does your book slip, forgotten, woman?
Are the writings bothersome indeed, or obscene or just plain awful?